There used to be a time when I had something concrete in mind before I would pen down a post. Now it's just like, "haven't written in a while, and hence should do something about it". This post is not something that exactly conforms to that idea. I do have something in mind, nothing well-formed but yes, something to begin with. The past week was an unreasonably panicky one. There were things that I learned, no second-thoughts about that. But, it was more like "Oh my god, the day is fast approaching, and I am nowhere". Even such a thought was quite unreasonable and it was this thinking that made me lose my mind and forget everything (or most of it) that I had been feeding into my brain since the beginning of this semester. Why this fear though? General panick-y attitude? Or was it an overreaction? Or was it well-founded due to all what had and has been transpiring for quite some time now? Don't know. A blend of everything in varied proportions, I gues...